Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Cool narration, man!


In chemistry and plant pathology, the term reaction come up quite a bit. In both cases it is used in the scientific manner of HA + X --> HX + A. in Chemistry, we are dealing with quite a bit of reactions dealing with benzene, aldehydes, and carboxylic acids. For plant pathology, I am doing undergraduate research. The project I'm working on deals with the Arabidopsis plant and promoter:GUS fusion to see expression of genes when introduces with a pathogen. I have been dealing with reactions of many enzymes, buffers, and polymerases to do so.


Express is another term that comes up often in my research as well as my biology and bacteriology classes. The term is used as a verb in both cases as the act of expressing something. The research has a lot to do with gene expression. Bio and Bact both deal with expression of traits in an organism. It is cool how you can manipulate the DNA sequence to get different gene expressions and ultimately different traits.

1 comment:

Liz P. said...

You could also sort of relate reaction and express to our English class by saying that several people have different "reactions" and have "expressed" their thoughts in different ways on "new media." That is kind of very basic and a stretch but it could work....
Your research sounds interesting. Are you thinking of going into plant research as a career? I'm still trying to decide if I want to do research or go to medical school.