Monday, April 23, 2007

you can do it!

Last week, we finished watching the movie Lost in Translation in class. There are some things that struck me in a way that i wanted to talk about them in my blog.

1. The lack of speaking in the movie was at times awkward, but all in all very interesting. I think that even when things were said, much of the time there was no understanding. Example: when bill murray was doing the photo shoots, people were talking with him and telling him what to do, but he didn't understand it. i know, he was being talked at in a language that he didn't know, but i think it just emphasizes the theme that many things that are said are not understood. Also, much of the dialogue that goes on between him and his wife is empty dialogue where both of them don't really understand the other.

2. i thought that the movie was a perfect example of how a non-place can turn into a place. for both of the main characters, they really did not want to be at the hotel in the beginning. however after meeting each other, they were almost torn apart at the end. they created memories at the hotel and made friends with each other.

3. The ending kinda sucked. i really don't like endings that don't really conclude the film. this on was above and beyond as the audience doesn't know what is said to charlotte and they don't know what will happen when they both get back to the United States.

Overall, i thought the movie was good. i would watch it again.

ps. just a thought on Emergence, the book we are currently reading: it is hard to identify with the concepts of the community acting together and not having a set leader because much of our culture and world is based on hierarchies and people in leadership positions overlooking people "below" them. but, the book is interesting.

Monday, April 16, 2007

A glimpse of hope?...

i really like that we are watching a movie in class. i had never seen Lost in Translation before, and i must say i really like it so far. we are a little bit further that half way through the movie, and it has grabbed my attention the entire time. its funny and awkward at the same time which makes for and interesting mix of feelings.

This movie can be looked at in the context of non-place and network theory. The two main characters are kinda stuck in the hotel, not knowing what to do, and just waiting around. The woman waits for her husband and searches for things to do. The man does what he's told and goes where people tell him to go. He hardly thinks for himself and waits around for the next gig he has to do. This waiting and searching and nothing pertains to non-place and Auge. In a sense, the two main characters are distanced from a goal of connecting with their spouses and being home.

When the two of them meet in the hotel, they start to form a relationship. As they make connections with each other, they slowly help themselves out and become not so miserable in the non-place. with this connection, they are saving themselves from nothingness and emptiness.

I am interested to see how the movie progresses and ultimately ends. so far i like it, so i hope i doesn't disappoint in the end.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Get me outta this non-place!!!!

As i reluctantly begin school again after a wonderfully glorious spring break, I am reminded of what i left behind for a week: endless hours of school/studying, work, and responsibilities. Like a slap in the face, i find myself in the middle of the 11 week of class, up to my eyeballs with things to do. My professors so nicely decided to give me two quizzes and two exams this week. hurray!! i don't mean to bitch and moan for the entire post; things like this happen, and you just have to go with the flow. what i am getting at is that i am supposed to go to a "non-place" and observe what takes place. given my busy schedule, i have decided to use a non-place experience from a resort at where i recently stayed. it goes something like this:

I rode the elevator many times at the resort. one particular time stands out to me. I stayed on the 15th floor of the resort and was using the elevator to go down to the lobby. when i got in, all of the buttons from 10 down had been pushed. i thought to myself, what an inconvenience, but i was in no hurry so i decided to ride it out. when the elevator stopped on the 12th floor, it picked up 10 more people on their way down. i didn't say anything to them about the buttons, but they all saw them and still decided to stay on. when the elevator stopped at each floor, there was silence for the 15 seconds the door opened and closed. everyone looked to the front on the car, no one looked at each other, and no one really moved. it was really awkward as the elevator stopped again and again and we had to wait in silence, shoulder to shoulder with someone you don't know. still nothing was said to ease the awkwardness of the situation. no one even cared to make a joke about the situation. everyone was just on their way, wanting to make the trip go as quickly as possible.

now that i think of it, there was a girl who whispered to her mom something that no one else could hear. it was as if the rest of the people on the elevator should not hear the little piece of information because it was so private. it made it distance everyone on the elevator even more.